well i've neglected the jewelry studio. i was reorganizing Memorial Day weekend and i hurt my back lifting too much. sadly a slew of things none jewelry related fell to the floor and i couldn't pick them up. i've been doing PT 3 times a week and am knock on wood pain free and able to pick up things on the floor so i hope to find some time this weekend to trash out the none jewelry items stored in that area.
the first jewelry item i will most likely work on will be a necklace and earrings to wear to our oldest son's wedding the end of July. having design block but i hope when i get out there and physically touch my "pretties" inspiration will strike. More than likely in the trial and error of those pcs i'll come up with some items for the shop.
Of course summer beach theme jewelry is in the forefront of my mind right now... our So Calif weather has been gorgeous, sorry for those suffering through a heat wave now. maybe wearing a beach inspired anklet will transport you to cooler clime... spread on some coconut scented suntan lotion, close your eyes and Hawaii here you come...
oh maybe i'd better get those silver and blue anklets made first LOL