Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Exciting Days

Feelin' skippy this morning. DH and I have been battling an awful chest cold 'souvenir' from his last biz trip...Today I woke up and 'forgot' I was sick so that means I'm finally getting well.
Exciting time in my life. I've been occupied with setting up my business- Golden Water Creations. Last nite I purchased my website and shopping cart. Graphic designer is hard at work on 'stuff'.
I will be placing a bank breaking sterling silver wire and sheet order (ohhh to have dreamed of this biz for so many years and be opening it with silver spot @$19.38/oz and rising....let's not mention gold prices, you won't be seeing much if ANY of that in my shop...)
but then let the fun begin... I hope to put on my 'creating' hat (Note to self: count up how many 'hats' a one-woman business wears...)
My mind is filled to BURSTING with projects: earrings, bracelets, book marks, magnets, note cards, table runners for Thanksgiving, flower hair accessories, garden silverplate items....I actually think it will be a problem just having 100 product "spots" in my shop. My Etsy shop will be stocked and re-opened with new product as well.

I learned alot in my photography workshop last month and my lite cube and gorilla tripod have arrived. Boy the gorilla tripod is cool

As if the thrill of using my new jewelry torch isn't ENOUGH in one month---I will be taking an AWESOME 2 day intensive Enameling Workshop in Bellevue, KY later in September. How's that for a birthday present?

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