Monday, November 15, 2010

Most Gorgeous Earrings I've EVAH Made

Last month I went to the Gem Faire in Costa Mesa. SSSSOOOOo dangerous for me to go to gem shows but I "truly" did have to have some items to make my jewelry. That's my story and I'm sticking to it LOL

I got this great strand of Biwa white pearls just as the show was closing (I thought closing time was 6 p.m. so I actually didn't get to see everything.)

Saturday nite I went into the studio around 9 p.m. and made earring pair after earring pair. Around 2 a.m. I picked up the Biwa Pearl strand... oh btw, "Biwa" is the shape, a stick like shape, sometimes they are called 'stick' pearls. This strand was drilled through the middle vs end to end so they stack like a cord of wood ((((but MUCH PRETTIER))))

I stacked 5 Biwa pearls on top of a gorgeous icy blue chalcedony briolette, using 14k gold filled wire. Tried out my wig jig to make the ear wires and now that shape is my fav ear wire.... what a rush I got when they were finished. Just soooo beautiful from the golden ear wire to the pearls picking up the blue color of the stone. Made me want to throw on a party dress and go out on the town!
I tell you I almost woke the dear sleeping husband up to show him my creation but I figured he wouldn't quite share my excitement during the day light hours let alone at 2 in the morning.

this quick picture does NOT do these justice, see the biwa pair on far right?

so what did I do but pick up some tiny blush rice pearls I bought from the same Gem Faire dealer and pair them w/ a cranberry glass flower bead...

Then at 2:30 I went to bed...woke up at 4 a.m. wanting to make MORE earrings but resisted hahaha

I am so loving the semi-precious stone briolettes I got at Gem Faire!

1 comment:

Janice said...

Nice earrings! I favor the ones just to the left of the BIWA pearl ones, but they are all very nice.